This is what I want to do.
I want to sit down and do as I ask of myself, which first requires that I know where I going.
So, *this* is what I want to do.
I want to… sit down.
I want to sit down.
I remind myself I want to sit down.
This is what I want to do.
Isn’t it?
This *is* what I want to do.
And I will do what I intended to.
I won’t get side tracked.
This is what I want to do!
How do you not get side tracked?
I sit down to check for answers.
H-o-w… n-o-t… t-o…

How to increase your focus and not get distracted…
If you’re easily distracted, try this technique to stay focused…






Pt. 2

A gentle reminder:

You already know what to do.
All there is left is for you to do it.



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